Monday, June 11, 2007

Foodie follies: partie une, Mission Statement

Mission Statement:

My intention for this blog is to post the events, foibles and horrible missteps that will undoubtedly occur on the road to me finding the perfect job. Please, dear readers, feel free to pipe in, tell me your thoughts and ideas, if you have a lead that sounds PERFECT for me, bring it on! My bags are packed and I'm ready to go (thank you John Denver for that lovely and very useful lyric).

(A side note; I'd like to say that this blog will only contain job-related information, but as we all know, work and play can never really be separated, so lucky you!! you'll probably get some good stuff folded into the mix.)

So, where to begin...

First a little about me (for my future employers... or probably just you guys)

Well, I've found myself in the middle of a mid-career crisis at the age of 35. A week ago I left a company that seemed like an almost perfect fit, but because it didn't fit just right, I backed out. I'm not a quitter, in fact I tend to stay way too long in anything I do; relationships, jobs, parties.

So, here I am back in Seattle, desperately wanting to find a job in the gastronomic tourism industry. I'm living out of three suitcases and crashing at a friends house while my apartment and cat are subletted on the other side of town for the five months that I had intended to be gone. I'm free as a bird and ready to go tomorrow if I find something. I've never been this open to opportunity and change in my life and boy am I ready for it!!!

Here's my ultimate career wish list: (While looking at this list please play the game "in her pants" but instead of saying that after each line, say to yourself "and get paid for it".)

- Travel to France on a regular basis
- Be involved in a culinary tour company
- Be a liaison for English speakers into the French gastronomic world
- Write critiques about restaurants, destination culinary schools, wineries, hotels
- Be a part of something that supports good eating, organic, seasonal and local products
- Have fun... AND GET PAID FOR IT! ;-)

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