Saturday, August 29, 2009

Baby steps feel like giant strides: and Cockamay Inc.

After making my list yesterday, I confirmed that I now have a nanny/assistant for the tour, e-mailed my Paris contact to confirm that the dates I have selected work for her and started an FMT "Official" web page. I put that entre guillemet because I will be creating an actual web site, for which I already own the domain, in the near future. I hope to be able to afford some (very) basic help from a PR firm with logo creation and web design. Until then, I will be compiling information and content, and posting tour information on that blog. This is that site's sole purpose.

The site is:

I decided to go to wordpress because they have web hosting and you can get it in the cheap. It also seems like it may be easier and more stylish than what I am currently getting with GoDaddy. At least if I have to resort to creating my own site and managing everything on it, I will have something that's good looking, albeit not my ideal site. That will come after this first tour is under my belt and I have something to go to bank with.

How about this for a company name; Cockamamy Inc. This will be the parent company of all my little businesses that I will eventually have running... my tours, my book, my TV production company for my TV show, my jewelry, truffles, you name it. I look at the company name as a thumb to the nose to all of the people that ever made me second guess myself and my myriad of business ideas over the years (including me).

OK, time to pick up the house a bit. My mom is on her way to pick up the baby so I can go off to my day job and serve the people. I feel like quoting Bill Cosby right now;

"Grab a Coke and a smile and SHUT UP!"

Feeling good. Feeling proud

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