Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Looking out for me

Someone is. "They've" gotta be.

I went on a walk today with the baby and found myself out at The Ballard Locks. It's a small park with big old trees, the locks (of course) and a small road that makes just one loop around the grounds. I decided to follow my nose around that loop just one time and then move on. Just as I was finishing my turn, I passed a smiley blond woman, with two teacup versions of some kind of dog, as she bopped up the hill. We smiled and she asked jokingly,
"How many times are you going around?".
I said, "I don't know. How many are you?"
"Eight!" she proclaimed.
To that I said, "Sounds good. Let's do it." And on we went on our opposing laps.

As we approached each other at the half way point, she asked if she could join me. And so she did. She was sweet and chatty. She told me about her business (home appraising) and the long path she took to find herself where she is today; moved from California to get sober, met her husband in AA, waited tables, managed restaurants. Now, on top of her business, she sponsors people in her AA group and teaches spinning classes at her, and other gyms.

Long story short, except for asking her questions, I really kept my mouth shut and let her talk. She was hitting on every sore spot I have right now; insecurity, sloth, fear of failure, and worse, fear of success. She was like an angel. A perky, recovering addict, dog-walking, inspirational angel. I kept asking myself things like, "Where did she come from?" and, "Those who don't know, speak. Those who know, don't."

She hugged me when we parted ways. We swapped phone numbers and are meeting for another eight laps next Tuesday. I'm to report a business-related accomplishment when we meet. Nothing in particular. Just something.

I like that.

To top it off, I got a great workout out of it. Feel the burn!!


I had a new idea for the tour today. Scavenger hunt in Paris at the end of which I will have prepared a great meal and will serve bubbles.

Workin' it out. Workin' it out.


A word of advice to parents: no matter how much your baby wants to be held while you are making them a bottle, PUT THE CHILD DOWN if you have to open a new can of formula. Those lids are razor sharp and it's impossible to peel back the lid with only one hand.

If you'll excuse me now. I need to go change the dressing.

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